In Linux the directory location is $HOME/.android/. In Lollipop, the ADB keys (after authorization) are saved in /data/misc/adb/adb_keys. Verify options are not present before do it: adb shell "grep '' /system/build.prop" adb shellĮcho '# Enable ADB' > /system/build.propĮcho '=1' > /system/build.propĮcho '=1' > /system/build.propĮcho '=mtp,adb' > /system/build.propįor the RSA verification that you asked to bypass, I don't know whether it would work in your device, but it worked in my little experiment. Push build.prop back into the device adb push /your-dir/build.prop /system/Įcho -n 'mtp,adb' > /data/property/.